Performance Resume

11/18/10 - MS 74, Bayside, NY, "Little Red"11/13/10 - Queens Theatre in The Park, "Little Red"
4/17/10 - Central Library, NY, Immigrant Heritage Week, "Cinderella"
3/27/10 - Queens Theatre in The Park, "Cinderella"
5/31/09 JaM Foundation, Astoria, NY, "Cinderella"4/23/09 - Langston Hughes Library, Corona, NY, "Cinderella"
4/21/09 - MS 74, Bayside, NY, "Cinderella"
4/17-18/09 - Scranton Cultural Center, Scranton, PA, "Cinderella
3/19/09 - PS 85, Bronx, "Passport to Adventure"
11/4/08 - King's College, PA, "Journeys"11/4/08 - Solomon Plains Middle School, PA, "International Express"
10/4/08 - Hawley Cultural and Creative Arts Center, PA, "Hawley Hoedown"
9/6/08 - Ritz Theatre, Hawley, PA, "Midsummer Night's Arts Festival"
6/21/08 - Trolley Museum, Scranton, PA, "International Express"
5/9/08 - Berkeley Carroll School, Brooklyn, "Family Fiesta"
3/13/08 - MS 74, Queens, "Journeys - A Cultural Celebration"
3/13/08 - PS 85, Bronx, "International Express"
2/14/08 - MS 74, Queens, "International Express"
1/10/08 - Wallenpaupack Middle School, PA, "Traveling Trunk Show"
1/11/08 - Western Wayne Middle School, PA, "Traveling Trunk Show"
1/12/08 - Wayne Highlands Middle School, PA, "Traveling Trunk Show"
12/20/07 - Wallenpaupeck South Elementary School, PA, “Traveling Trunk Show”12/17/07 - Preston School, Lake Wallenpaupeck, PA, “Traveling Trunk Show”
12/14/07 - Rand Engineering Celebration, New York City
12/10/07 - Western Wayne Elementary School, PA, “Traveling Trunk Show”
12/3/07 - Lake Ariel Elementary School, PA, “Traveling Trunk Show”
10/13/07 - Hawley Hoedown, Hawley, PA
8/18/07 - Ritz Theatre Benefit, Hawley, PA
7/9-13/07 - Lackawanna, PA, Library System’s “Get a Clue” Program, “Traveling Trunk Show”
4/18/07 - MS 74, Queens, "International Express”
3/21/07 - Bethpage High School, "International Express”
1/24/07 - PS 95, Brooklyn, "International Express”
10/13/06 - IS98, Brooklyn, "International Express”10/07/06 - India Association, Buffalo, NY, "Journeys- A Cultural Celebration"
9/29-10/01/06 - Hudson Guild Theatre, NYC "Journeys- A Cultural Celebration"
9/27/06 - Hudson Guild Theatre, NYC, "International Express”
06/26/06 - Edgemont HS International Festival, NY, "International Express”
05/30/06 - PS7, Queens, "International Express”
05/19/06 - The Pittsburgh International Children's Festival
05/12-14/06 - "Journeys" premiere at the Ritz Theatre, Hawley PA
05/09/06 - Highlands School, PA, "International Express”
05/05/06 - PS4Q, Queens, "International Express”
02/24/06 - "Spotlight on Asia", Berkeley Carroll School, Brooklyn
01/27/06 - PS321, Brooklyn, "International Express”
10/20/05 - PS771, Brooklyn, "International Express”10/02/05 - Hawley Hoedown, Hawley, PA
08/06/05 - Performance with "The Coldsupper Boys"
06/16/05 - "Roses are Dance II"
04/26/05 - Fundraiser for
03/19/05 - "World Rhythms" Premiere Event!

For more information on World Dance Theatre's programs and perfomances, please contact Suzi Myers Tipa